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Carrot Cake Day – The Theme for February’s Yarn Club

I’d grown pretty lax about adding posts to the blog by the end of 2020, but I’m back to try again this year. I’m going to start with talking about the February Yarn Club theme, Carrot Cake Day.

When I was searching for themes for my Celebration Day yarn club I was trying to stick to international and UK based days. However I couldn’t resist some of the US based ones, and Carrot Cake Day is one of these.

I love carrot cake. I don’t pretend it’s healthy or anything, but I love it anyway. And then I thought about how cheerfully it is usually decorated and even the colour of the cake itself is fairly bright and happy. You’ll have to pre-order your February slice of the yarn club if you want to know what colours I decided on to dye the yarn!

There will be a new theme every single month of 2021. You can read more about the Carrot Cake Day yarn club, the Celebration Day yarn club and the other yarn clubs I’ll be running in 2021 here. Don’t worry, if you’re not so keen on Carrot Cake, there are plenty of other themes to suit you!