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British Yarn Selection Box

Big Birthday Sale

On 2nd November it was Bluebell Yarns’ 7th birthday! As I was preparing for Stitch Fest at the time I decided to move the celebrations until this week. Until 11.59pm on Sunday 13th November the following yarn is on sale: New British Yarn Selection Box Bundle I’ve bundled the three British Yarn Selection Boxes together for a reduced price! You can now get all three 10g mini boxes for the introductory price of £45 (will be £50, saving £10 over… Read More »Big Birthday Sale

British Yarn Selection Box No3: DK Blends. Pre-orders now open

British Yarn Selection Box No.3: DK Blends Now Available!

I am happy to announce that the third instalment of the British Yarn Selection Box is now available for pre-order! British Yarn Selection box 3 is a little different from the first two boxes. This box is all about blends of yarn and how blending two or more fibres together can create interesting yarns. This has been an interesting project for me. In the previous boxes I wrote about each breed of w00l and its characteristics. For this box I’ve… Read More »British Yarn Selection Box No.3: DK Blends Now Available!

Title Image: British Yarn Selection Box DK No. 2

British Yarn Selection Box DK No. 2

After the success of the first British Yarn Selection Box, I’m excited to announce the British Yarn Selection Box DK No. 2. It will be available to order at 7pm BST on Friday 10th July. I put the type of box to a vote on social media and while it was very close, a second DK box won. A box including blends of different wools was the second most popular choice so is the box I will be working on… Read More »British Yarn Selection Box DK No. 2

Announcing the British Yarn Selection Box

  ORDERS ARE NOW OPEN! I’m excited to announce a project I have been working on for some time now. The inspiration for the British Yarn Selection Box came from wanting to be able to work with yarn from lots of different breeds of sheep, but not necessarily wanting to purchase full skeins of each. The costs can add up when taking into account the cost of a single skein plus postage. I wanted an affordable way for crafters to… Read More »Announcing the British Yarn Selection Box