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Summer Wool Festival – Roundup

While I had planned to report back on Saturday and Sunday after the show, I was far too tired and typing a full blog on my phone screen was no fun. So here’s a roundup of my weekend! Friday – Setup Day I arrived at Redborne School around 5pm, much later than intended thanks to the awful traffic on the M25 & M1. I was tired, somewhat stressed, and had no idea where I was going. I am so thankful… Read More »Summer Wool Festival – Roundup

Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 5 (Friday)

I’m writing this on my phone so please excuse any weird typos! It has been quite the day. First thing, I removed all the yarn I brought with me from the website. Then I packed everything up which hadn’t been packed yesterday and finished loading the car. I left at around 12.30-1pm and didn’t arrive until nearly 5pm! Traffic was awful, and I only stopped for 5 mins in the middle. That left me only 3 hours to set up… Read More »Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 5 (Friday)

Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 4 (Thursday)

Today has been a busy day and I’m pretty tired! I started off by doing some last minute printing, then went into town for my usual weekly trip to the local shops. I picked up the last bits I needed for the show weekend too. When I got back I made a crucial mistake and tried to save myself some time in the future. I filled up the windscreen fluid in my husband’s car as that’s the one I’ll be… Read More »Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 4 (Thursday)

Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 3 (Wednesday)

I’ve had a wonderfully productive day today! This is only a short post though as I’ve got a busy evening ahead. I finished making and price labelling all my stitch markers. I’ve cut out a load of yarn labels that I decided need to be refreshed and also cut out the leaflets and signs. I started packing my “show stuff” box, which gets filled with all the little things I may need like hooks, clips, tape, business cards etc. I… Read More »Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 3 (Wednesday)

A river surrounded by trees and covered in duckweed

Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 2 (Tuesday)

I’ll be honest, today wasn’t the most thrilling in terms of things to tell you about. I spent the morning printing out all the graphics I created yesterday along with a big pile of Advent order forms and leaflets. I had to redesign a few of the graphics as they weren’t printing very clearly but I got there in the end. After lunch I I went for a walk along the river. The water was low and has been flowing… Read More »Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 2 (Tuesday)

I'm exhibiting at Summer Wool Festival

Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 1 (Monday)

Background I thought it might be interesting to take a peek behind the scenes of what happens during the week of a yarn show. You can expect a blog every evening this week at around 9pm, although the posts during the show weekend may be shorter as I’ll be updating from my phone. Every dyer will have their own methods of preparation and how they deal with the show, but here’s mine! Summer Wool Festival takes place on Saturday 30th… Read More »Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 1 (Monday)

Fibre Quest. Join our search for regenerative & ethical fibres

Fibre Quest

You may have seen on social media, in my newsletter or on the shows page that I’ll be attending Fibre Quest in a couple of weeks time. It takes place on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March at Fernhill Farm in Somerset from 10am to 5pm. Fibre Quest isn’t quite like the other yarn shows I’ve attended. It’s a collaboration between the organisers of Stitch Fest South West and Fernhill Farm. In their own words, they are “bringing our industry… Read More »Fibre Quest

Southern Wool Show

This weekend I’ll be at Southern Wool Show at Newbury Racecourse. I’ve temporarily removed most stock from the website as I’m taking most of it with me to the show. Stock will return from Monday 6th September. Shortly after I’ll be adding some new colourways too (providing they don’t all sell out at the show)! If you’re coming to the show please stop by my stall and say hi, I’d love to meet you in person!

Fibre East at Home

We were supposed to be exhibiting at Fibre East this weekend, but like all the other yarn shows it was cancelled. Luckily we have FE@Home to fill the void a little! I’m offering 10% off using the code FE2020 for the rest of July. The code will work on everything apart from the Advent Calendars and British Yarn Selection Boxes so if there’s something you’ve had your eye on, now is the time to buy it! Also take a look… Read More »Fibre East at Home

Virtual Wonderwool Wales and Updated Delivery

Delivery Changes I have tentatively reopened international shipping. Please be aware that if you decide to order there will likely be a long delay between you placing and receiving your order. I will not consider a refund or replacement until two months have passed since the date I posted your order. Virtual Wonderwool This weekend was meant to be Wonderwool at the Royal Welsh Showground. Last year was cold and stormy and it would’ve been much better weather this year!… Read More »Virtual Wonderwool Wales and Updated Delivery