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Delivery Changes & Wonderwool Wales Cancelled

Delivery Changes Due to the current situation, I am having to make some changes to how regularly I post orders. Wherever possible I will send Special Delivery and 1st Class orders placed before 3pm GMT on the same day but I cannot guarantee this. All other orders will now be posted within 3 working days. I am no longer posting internationally as I cannot guarantee when or if parcels will arrive. As much as I would love to be able… Read More »Delivery Changes & Wonderwool Wales Cancelled

A closeup of some purple sock yarn with lots of other colours in the background.

Post Wonderwool Shop Update

Wonderwool Roundup This weekend I exhibited at Wonderwool Wales. This was my first show and it was fantastic! I met so many lovely people, and received some wonderful comments about my yarn. The weather on Saturday was horrid and it was freezing in the halls, so thank you to everyone who braved the wind and rain to come out and visit! Luckily on Sunday the weather was much nicer so I think everyone had an even better time. As it… Read More »Post Wonderwool Shop Update