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Corriedale/Mohair Sock Yarn – Why isn’t it 100% British?

Edit: It seems there was a misunderstanding about this sock yarn. It is in fact 50% Falkland Corriedale rather than a blend of Falkland and South American.

I want to be clear about why I’ve made an exception to my 100% British Wool rule with my 50% Corriedale 50% Mohair Sock Yarn.

The sock yarn is a blend of 50% British Mohair and roughly 25% British Falkland Islands/25% South American Corriedale. It contains no nylon, and hasn’t been superwash treated. I’ve been looking for a British sock yarn with these characteristics for quite some time. As I’m not yet in a position to create my own yarn I had to make a compromise. I feel this is a fair one, as roughly 75% of the yarn is British and it’s also processed in Yorkshire. I had to weigh up the benefits of this plastic-free base vs. sticking to my 100% British principals, and I decided that the benefits outweighed the negatives.

Having now dyed some of this yarn, I can say that it feels almost silky, with a lovely lustre with a bit of halo. It’s knitting up into a pair of socks really nicely. Wherever I sell this yarn I will be completely clear about where the wool comes from. I believe in clear labelling so everybody can make an informed decision about the materials they craft with.

Corriedale Mohair Sock Yarn

If you have any questions or comments about this yarn, please don’t hesitate to contact me.