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December Calendar Day 14 (12 Day: 8): Inspiration & Reveal


Ramsdown Plantation is an area of heathland and coniferous forest next to Bournemouth International Airport which is to the north of Christchurch. There is a viewpoint on top of Ramsdown Hill from which you can see the surrounding countryside, planes coming into land at the nearby airport, and if the visibility is good, across to the Isle of Wight.

There is a circular walk around Ramsdown Plantation which takes in a variety of landscapes including a river, wet & dry heathland and heathland. It is a fairly easy walk that can be made more difficult if you’re feeling adventurous. Ground nesting birds use the area in the spring and the area is also home to many reptiles including adders so going off the path isn’t recommended.

Images by:
Ramsdown by Becca