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Delivery Changes & Wonderwool Wales Cancelled

Delivery Changes

Due to the current situation, I am having to make some changes to how regularly I post orders. Wherever possible I will send Special Delivery and 1st Class orders placed before 3pm GMT on the same day but I cannot guarantee this. All other orders will now be posted within 3 working days.

I am no longer posting internationally as I cannot guarantee when or if parcels will arrive.

As much as I would love to be able to do a Post Office run every day, my local Post Office is a counter inside a shop. The shop has started to be closed at random times so they can stock the shelves when a delivery arrives. My next nearest post office is a drive into town, which I’d like to avoid if possible.

Thank you for your understanding at this strange time.

Wonderwool Wales Cancelled

Unfortunately Wonderwool Wales at the end of April has been cancelled. There is some discussion of holding an ‘online yarn show’ and when I hear anything else I will post here.