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Dyeing and Gardening

Thank you for all your lovely comments and messages on my last blog post. I’m so glad that you like the idea of a blog and are interested in what I’m getting up to.

As a few of you mentioned, keeping up with a post a day is probably a bit too much, so I’ve decided to commit two at least two posts a week, and sometimes there may be more if I have a lot going on.

So far this week

The last couple of days have been pretty busy. I’ve been doing a lot of dyeing and thankfully it’s gone better than last week. For some reason, last week it took me a whole day to dye one colourway. Some colourways take longer than others. Some dyes take ages to be absorbed, which to be fair this one usually does. But all day is excessive for a colourway only requiring three “dunks”. Annoyingly after all that work, even after following my recipe the yarn is significantly paler than the original! I’ll have to try again as it’s a gorgeous colourway, it’s just such a pain to dye!

So, Monday I finished off the Corriedale I started last week, as well as dyeing the yarn clubs. Tuesday (yesterday) I made a good start on a new Aran base and should get that finished tomorrow. I also did some work in the garden as our garden waste gets collected this Wednesday and I hadn’t put a single thing in it. As our garden is chaos, and we pay for the service in advance, I try to use that as good incentive to fill up the bin for every collection. I managed to clear a large section of bramble but entirely forgot to take before and after photos! I need to get into the habit of taking more photos to show you.

I did take this picture of the huge trailing fuchsia I was working around though. It was here when we moved in years ago and never fails to be wonderful. The bees love it too, though thankfully they didn’t seem too bothered that I kept getting in their way.

What I’m doing today

Usually on either Wednesday or Thursday each week I have a day off from dyeing. I visit my local town to do my shopping then spend the rest of the day doing other tasks such as photographing, labelling, admin etc. I’ve decided this week that will be today, Wednesday. I have the yarn clubs to label and post so that’ll be my main task, and I might make a start on photographing the Corriedale I dyed last week.

It’s also my turn to run #WoolHour over on Twitter tonight at 8pm. Feel free to come and join in if you don’t already! We show off our woolly projects (anything wool, not just knitting), help each other out, and generally just talk about all things wool.

2 thoughts on “Dyeing and Gardening”

  1. Your fuschia is fabulous, those would be lovely colours of sock yarn. I need to plant some of these in my garden, I’m currently working on planting more things the bees and butterflies like and these are going on my list.

    1. I did have a colourway called Fuchsia a while ago, maybe it’s time to bring it back. I don’t know about all of them, but this big climbing fuchsia flowers well into autumn too so gets very popular with the insects when all the other plants have finished flowering.

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