On the last Friday of every month I’ll be featuring projects created with my yarn. If you’d like to be considered, please drop me a message.

April’s featured project is this pair of wonderful socks by Judy Hayter. The pattern is Shepherdess Socks by Tracie Millar. Judy chose to use Falkland Corriedale one-off colourways.
Of her project, Judy says “My friend Millie at The Slipped Stitch (@TheSlippedStitch on Instagram) runs a bi monthly sock club. We do a different technique and have a meet up to knit and chat together. This was her February choice.”
I think they are a lovely pair of socks and suit the spring weather. I love the fact that the group meet to work on new techniques together.
You can find Judy on Instagram as @judyhayter if you want to see any of her other fantastic projects.