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Lots of new yarn, and a new competition

New Yarn

Today I’ve posted lots of new yarn to the shop. Take a look here. Most of the yarns are a blend of BFL and Masham, with a few skeins of Falkland Merino. They are of course lovingly hand dyed, and have not been superwash treated.

A Monthly Competition

Lots of people have ideas on how they would like a yarn to look. As dyeing is a rather involved process, many of these people never get to turn their ideas into reality. This is where my new competition comes in.

Every month I’m asking you to design a colourway that you want to see. I’ll take all the ideas that are possible, and use a random number generator to decide which one I’ll create. I’ll make a limited batch of yarn, and once it’s gone, it’s gone. The winner will receive one skein of their colourway and a code for 20% off in my shop so they can purchase more if they like.

How it works:

  1.  Pick a base yarn from the following*:
    1. 4ply, DK or Aran BFL/Masham
    2. 4ply Falkland Merino
    3. DK Falkland/Masham
    4. 4ply, DK, Aran or Chunky Suffolk/Shropshire/Texel
    5. Super chunky BFL
  2. Describe and/or draw your colourway**
  3. Comment here or tweet (or email me) with your idea and your contact details***
  4. On 30th January I will announce the winner

* More bases will be available in the future so keep checking the first blog post of each month for changes
** Maximum of five colours per skein. I currently do not have the setup to be able to dye gradients
*** Maximum of two entries per person per month. Any winner will be unable to win again until six months have passed.

Coming up in 2017

As well as all the normal yarns I sell, and due to the success of my Yarn Advent Calendar over the past two years, I will be creating special ‘boxes’ based around certain events. Currently I plan to create a box for the following events:

  • Valentines Day (Choice of Valentines box or Anti-Valentine’s box)
  • The first day of spring on Monday 20th March
  • Easter
  • Summer Solstice on Wednesday 21st June
  • Autumn Equinox on Friday 22nd September
  • Halloween
  • Bonfire Night
  • Advent

All of these specials will be available to purchase or pre-order from one month before the event. Keep checking back for news.

Social Media

Don’t forget to keep an eye on my social media. You can follow me on Twitter @crafterways or Instagram @bluebellyarns. I use these to post sneak previews of yarn, run the occasional competition, and of course post my daily #onecraftyphoto.

Happy crafting everyone!


1 thought on “Lots of new yarn, and a new competition”

  1. Ooh what a fabulous competition! Very exciting!

    Here in lancashire we have had some fabulous winter mornings over the last few days. I open the curtains to see a brilliant blue sky and thick white frost sparkling on the grass. I would love to see a colour way reflecting this – perhaps a vargiated yarn with white and blue as the dominant colours, and flecks of green too? It really is a wonderful time of year for amazing colours :). And the base would obviously have to be a chunky weight, because there just aren’t enough woolly hats in the world to deal with a cold lancashire morning 🙂

    Fabulous competition – i found your website through knit British and will definitely be returning 🙂

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