There are lots of wonderful things happening at Bluebell Yarns! I’m not ready to announce them all yet, but there’s plenty more I can tell you right now!
Stitch Markers
I’ve made some new stitch markers and progress keepers (pictured above) which are available on Etsy here.
Yarn Shows
I can also say that I’m going to be visiting at least three yarn shows again this year! I’ll be back at Wonderwool Wales, which was fantastic (if a little chilly) last year, as well as my first time at Fibre East! I can’t reveal the third yet, and I’m hopefully going to a couple more which I’ll reveal when I can!
New Project
I have a new project in the works for fans of single-breed British wool. This will be released at the end of March and as newsletter subscribers you’ll be some of the first to know when it goes live!
There’s lots of gorgeous yarn currently in the Etsy shop waititng for new owners! If nothing takes your fancy at the moment, don’t worry, I’ll be adding more soon!