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Post Wonderwool Shop Update

Wonderwool Stall - Colourful yarn on a table with a 'Bluebell Yarns' banner behind.

Wonderwool Roundup

This weekend I exhibited at Wonderwool Wales. This was my first show and it was fantastic! I met so many lovely people, and received some wonderful comments about my yarn. The weather on Saturday was horrid and it was freezing in the halls, so thank you to everyone who braved the wind and rain to come out and visit! Luckily on Sunday the weather was much nicer so I think everyone had an even better time.

As it was Bluebell Yarns’ first show, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect at Wonderwool. I found friendly exhibitors that were more than happy to help (special shout out to The Knitting Shed and Spinspired for this)! It was fantastic to be able to talk to my customers face to face rather than just over the internet. I’ve got lots of ideas on how to make the stall even better for the next show!

An extra special thank you to my husband, who has put up with all the preparations (yarn literally everywhere you go in the house), shared the driving, helped load and unload and helped me run the stall – I couldn’t have done it without him. If you like reading, go and take a look at his books on Amazon, he’s a fantastic writer!

Future Shows

In about a month and a half I will get to do everything again at The Wool Monty. It’s on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June at the FlyDSA Arena in Sheffield. It’s shaping up to be a great show with lots of exhibitors and interesting workshops, so please do come along if you can! You can find out more information on The Wool Monty website.

Wonderwool Stall - A closeup of some purple sock yarn with lots of other colours in the background.

Shop Update

I’ve reopened my Etsy shop. It’s looking a little sparse right now but I’ll be adding leftover show stock as well as lots of new yarn during the next week. It’ll take me a while to get it all listed so I’ll be doing it in smaller chunks. I’ll be announcing on social media (Twitter, Facebook & Instagram) once each type of yarn has been fully restocked, so please follow me there if you’re looking for anything in particular.

That’s all for now, so I hope you all have a wonderful couple of weeks and I’ll talk to you again soon.