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Recharge: March Meet The Maker Day 10

March Meet The Maker Day 10: Recharge

When you run a small business, downtime is important! There are several things I enjoy when I’m not working.

Long Walks

As I’ve previously mentioned, I enjoy walking. I’m lucky enough that I can walk to, along, and back home from my local river in about an hour. It’s perfect for a morning walk, or when you just need to get out and have a break.

Break for Lunch

My husband has his own company and works from home too, so once a week we try to get out and go for lunch together. We usually choose Friday as we can go to the local market while we’re out and it’s a nice way to end the week.


I’ve been involved in some sort of music since I was about six. I had a bit of a gap (about eight years, oops) after university (I did a music degree) but last summer got involved in a new local community orchestra. Eight months later I’m in charge of, and conduct that orchestra. In January I joined a concert band too. It’s started to take up a lot of my time but I’m enjoying it.

Smaller Things

Some other things I like to do to relax and unwind are to read, listen to audio books or simply watch some videos while crafting.