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Start The Day: March Meet The Maker Day 6

March Meet The Maker Day 6: Start The Day

I usually start the day in one of two ways. The first, and preferred way, is to go for a walk along the river, where I see wonderful things like this sunrise, many different birds and occasionally even otters. I haven’t got into the habit yet this year. The river was high and covering up the paths in January, plus the sunrise is too late in the winter months for me to be able to go out early enough to be back to get to work at the time I like. I hope to start again this week, depending on how the workload goes.

The second, least preferred yet most common way to start the day, is to grab a cup of tea and some breakfast and get straight to work. I’m an extreme morning person (usually, today I didn’t want to get out of bed!) and my most productive time is normally as soon as I get up. I get the office to myself for the first couple of hours of the day (I share it with my husband) so I get as much done as possible.