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Summer Wool Festival Preparations – Day 2 (Tuesday)

I’ll be honest, today wasn’t the most thrilling in terms of things to tell you about. I spent the morning printing out all the graphics I created yesterday along with a big pile of Advent order forms and leaflets. I had to redesign a few of the graphics as they weren’t printing very clearly but I got there in the end.

After lunch I I went for a walk along the river. The water was low and has been flowing slowly for so long there’s duckweed all over it. I’ll go the other direction tomorrow if I have time for a long walk to see what the weir looks like. I doubt there’s much going over it at all at the moment. It’s quite a contrast how green everything around the river looks when the fields the other side of the path look so dry.

When I got back I worked on some stitch markers. I haven’t got too many left to make now so I should be finished tomorrow.

This evening I’m going to be knitting a sample sock for the show which I’ve been meaning to finish for a while. Luckily I only need one, and I’m ready to start the heel turn so it should still be possible. I’ll let you know tomorrow how I’m progressing!