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Dyeing and Gardening

Thank you for all your lovely comments and messages on my last blog post. I’m so glad that you like the idea of a blog and are interested in what I’m getting up to. As a few of you mentioned, keeping up with a post a day is probably a bit too much, so I’ve decided to commit two at least two posts a week, and sometimes there may be more if I have a lot going on. So far… Read More »Dyeing and Gardening

Yarn Rainbow

Thinking about Yarn Advent Calendars

  The funny thing about being an indie dyer is that you have to think about things far ahead of when you want to. Currently, this means Christmas. Due to the success of my Yarn Advent Calendars last year, and the fact that there’s a rather major event happening for me in September, this year I’m starting early. I’ve spoken to the mill and they’ve agreed to wind the mini skeins for me which will save me so much time.… Read More »Thinking about Yarn Advent Calendars

Tits Out Collective

Charity yarn is now live! (#titsoutcollective)

The #titsoutcollective yarn is now released! You can see mine here, and everyone else’s here. Follow #titsoutcollective on social media. Check back here tomorrow at 7pm to read about why I selected my chosen charity, Dogs For Good. My ‘If I wanted exposure, I’ll get my tits out (but I’ll need assistance)’ yarn is initially available as a small batch. When this sells out, I will open pre-orders. I will aim to get pre-orders dyed and shipped out within two… Read More »Charity yarn is now live! (#titsoutcollective)

Tits Out Collective

Charity Yarn Release (#titsoutcollective)

On 1st July at 12pm (BST), something special is going to happen. I, along with over 200 others (the #titsoutcollective), will be releasing special yarns, patterns, bags and notions, with the aim of raising money for various charities. You can read more details at Countess Ablaze but here is a brief explanation. Back in March, Countess Ablaze was asked to provide yarn for a ‘charity’ event for nothing but exposure. In response, she dyed two special limited colourways, one of which… Read More »Charity Yarn Release (#titsoutcollective)

Sock yarn having a bath

Sock Yarn and a Newsletter

I’ve finally found it! I’ve finally got my hands on some British (well, mostly, more on that below), non-superwash, no nylon sock yarn! I say mostly British, because it isn’t 100%. After much thought and consideration, I have decided that this is a good enough compromise for now  until I find something better. The new sock yarn is a blend of 50% British Mohair and roughly 25% British Falkland Islands/25% South American Corriedale. As I said before, it contains no… Read More »Sock Yarn and a Newsletter

Happy New Year!

This time last year I was making grand plans for Bluebell Yarns. While there were various circumstances that caused a lot of these plans not to come to fruition I can still say that it has been a good year for the company. This year’s advent calendars sold a record amount – 48! I’d initially only made 42 so that’s an amazing result. I’ve loved seeing pictures and videos of people opening their little silver packages. Everyone seems to have… Read More »Happy New Year!