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March Meet The Maker

Favourite Process: March Meet The Maker Day 21

March Meet The Maker Day 21: Favourite Process I skipped a few days thanks to Fibre Quest, but you can see all of them apart from Friday’s on Instagram. My favourite part of dyeing yarn is when you take a yarn that is seemingly one colour (in this case yellow and blue) and coat it in a different one (in this case pink). It changes it entirely and you can never be 100% sure what you’re going to end up… Read More »Favourite Process: March Meet The Maker Day 21

Highs and Lows: March Meet The Maker Day 16

March Meet The Maker Day 16: Highs and Lows The highs and lows of running a business can be pretty extreme. Here’s a list of some of them. The Highs The Lows I can be flexible with my working hours at short notice. I can go to lunch with my husband, or meet my friends for coffee. It’s difficult to take real extended time off. The longer the break, the more sales I could lose. Working from home means no… Read More »Highs and Lows: March Meet The Maker Day 16

Big or Small: March Meet The Maker Day 14

March Meet The Maker Day 14: Big or Small I don’t often make mini-skeins unless they’re for something in particular. They’re small, fiddly and time consuming and it only makes sense to dye fairly large batches at once else they’re not at all cost effective. I’ve decided to give mini-skeins a go. I’ve found a slightly easier way to make them, so it’s worth a try! The trouble is that most of the yarn bases I use aren’t available already… Read More »Big or Small: March Meet The Maker Day 14

Planning: March Meet The Maker Day 13

March Meet The Maker Day 13: Planning It’s taken me years to find a way of planning that works for me. I’ve tried all sorts of methods, notebooks and apps. I’ve finally settled on my version of a Bullet Journal for planning the day to day, plus extra notebook for less structured Bluebell Yarns planning. My BuJo is in a @ScribblesThatMatter B5 notebook, and my yarn planning is in a B5 recycled notebook I picked up a while ago. It’s… Read More »Planning: March Meet The Maker Day 13

Recharge: March Meet The Maker Day 10

March Meet The Maker Day 10: Recharge When you run a small business, downtime is important! There are several things I enjoy when I’m not working. Long Walks As I’ve previously mentioned, I enjoy walking. I’m lucky enough that I can walk to, along, and back home from my local river in about an hour. It’s perfect for a morning walk, or when you just need to get out and have a break. Break for Lunch My husband has his… Read More »Recharge: March Meet The Maker Day 10

Trial and Error: March Meet The Maker Day 9

March Meet The Maker Day 9: Trial And Error I thought today would be a good time to talk about my evolving setup at yarn shows. It’s one of those things that, no matter how much you plan, you can’t see how it will look until you’re in the space and have everything organised. Therefore every show has a bit of trial and error involved. Wonderwool Wales, April 2019 Wonderwool Wales was the first time I exhibited at a yarn… Read More »Trial and Error: March Meet The Maker Day 9

Finishing Touches: March Meet The Maker Day 8

March Meet The Maker Day 8: Finishing Touches Once it’s been prepared, dyed, rinsed, dried and twisted, the finishing touch that happens to a skein of yarn before it’s ready to sell is to have its label put on. To attach each label I use a nifty little gadget called a staple-less stapler. It cuts a small hole in the paper, folds it and tucks it in on itself, joining the two layers of paper securely. It doesn’t need tape… Read More »Finishing Touches: March Meet The Maker Day 8

Learn: March Meet The Maker Day 7

March Meet The Maker Day 7: Learn Running a small business requires constant learning. It also means fitting that learning into an already busy schedule! My current challenge is to learn how to use Pinterest more effectively. I’ve had an account for a little while and get steady traffic, but I know I could do much better. I think I know what I need to do now, it’s just finding the time to sit down and do it! Content creation… Read More »Learn: March Meet The Maker Day 7

Start The Day: March Meet The Maker Day 6

March Meet The Maker Day 6: Start The Day I usually start the day in one of two ways. The first, and preferred way, is to go for a walk along the river, where I see wonderful things like this sunrise, many different birds and occasionally even otters. I haven’t got into the habit yet this year. The river was high and covering up the paths in January, plus the sunrise is too late in the winter months for me… Read More »Start The Day: March Meet The Maker Day 6

Snippet: March Meet The Maker Day 3

Day 3’s Prompt is “Snippet” March Meet The Maker Day 3: Snippet As I work with so much yarn, I can take the prompt “snippet” very literally! I end up with a fairly large quantity of snippets for various reasons: Very few of these snippets end up in the bin. If they’re undyed they go in my compost. If they’re dyed I save them up and use them as stuffing. What do you do with your yarn snippets?