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yarn update

Tits Out Collective

Charity yarn is now live! (#titsoutcollective)

The #titsoutcollective yarn is now released! You can see mine here, and everyone else’s here. Follow #titsoutcollective on social media. Check back here tomorrow at 7pm to read about why I selected my chosen charity, Dogs For Good. My ‘If I wanted exposure, I’ll get my tits out (but I’ll need assistance)’ yarn is initially available as a small batch. When this sells out, I will open pre-orders. I will aim to get pre-orders dyed and shipped out within two… Read More »Charity yarn is now live! (#titsoutcollective)

Tits Out Collective

Charity Yarn Release (#titsoutcollective)

On 1st July at 12pm (BST), something special is going to happen. I, along with over 200 others (the #titsoutcollective), will be releasing special yarns, patterns, bags and notions, with the aim of raising money for various charities. You can read more details at Countess Ablaze but here is a brief explanation. Back in March, Countess Ablaze was asked to provide yarn for a ‘charity’ event for nothing but exposure. In response, she dyed two special limited colourways, one of which… Read More »Charity Yarn Release (#titsoutcollective)

Sock yarn having a bath

Sock Yarn and a Newsletter

I’ve finally found it! I’ve finally got my hands on some British (well, mostly, more on that below), non-superwash, no nylon sock yarn! I say mostly British, because it isn’t 100%. After much thought and consideration, I have decided that this is a good enough compromise for now  until I find something better. The new sock yarn is a blend of 50% British Mohair and roughly 25% British Falkland Islands/25% South American Corriedale. As I said before, it contains no… Read More »Sock Yarn and a Newsletter