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Releasing my Valentines and Anti-Valentines Yarn Boxes

My Valentines and Anti-Valentines Yarn Boxes are now available for Pre-Order from my Etsy Shop.

Valentines Yarn Box

Valentines Box

The Valentines Yarn Box is perfect for anyone who loves Valentines day and everything it involves. It will contain two matching 100g skeins of hand dyed sumptuous DK yarn on a 50% Falkland Merino, 37.5% British Blue Faced Leicester, 12.5% British Masham base, spun in Yorkshire. I will dye the yarn appropriate colours for the day. Also included in the box will be some Valentines Day themed crafty and not so crafty treats.

Anti-Valentines Yarn Box

Anti-Valentines Box

The Anti-Valentines Yarn Box is perfect for anyone who hates Valentines Day. Like the Valentines Day Box, it will contain two matching 100g (~250m) skeins of sumptuous hand dyed DK yarn on a 50% Falkland Merino, 37.5% British Blue Faced Leicester, 12.5% British Masham base, dyed in Yorkshire. This is where the similarities end. There will be no pink or red in sight, nothing heart shaped, nothing fluffy. It will contain crafty and not so crafty treats.

The price for each box is £26 including postage to the UK. I will ship them on the 8th and 9th of February, leaving plenty of time for them to arrive.


Don’t forget my competition to design your own colourway and win a skein of yarn! More information available in my last post.