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Yarn Updates, Dyeing and Show Preparations

As you likely saw, I managed to get the yarn update sorted, although I’m not entirely happy with the photos. Product photography has always been a bit of an sticking point for me. I thought the fact I took the pictures outside when it was cloudy and used a white background would make them better, but to me they look worse. I might try retaking them when I have more time. For example:

A skein of variegated yarn in oranges, greens, yellows and browns twisted into a swirl.

I managed to get a lot of dyeing done yesterday when the weather was a little cooler. In fact I managed to pack everything I wanted to dye this week into the one day. I may have to do a little more next week once I’ve totalled up what I have to take to the Summer Wool Festival, but it should only be a day or two’s worth.

I’m in the final preparation stages for Summer Wool Festival now. I’ve written my big list of everything I have to do during the next couple of weeks. What makes the preparation for this yarn festival a little different from all the others is that I have barely any time to restock before Southern Wool Show, on the first weekend of September. I’m trying to dye extra but it’s always difficult to judge what will be popular.

I have five days after I get back from Summer Wool Festival to put everything away and restock the online shop before I’m off to Bristol for two weeks to house/pet sit (orders will still be shipped, my husband is staying home), with a trip to London for a wedding in the middle of that! Once I get back from Bristol I have just under two weeks to prepare before I’m off again to Southern Wool Show. August is going to be quite a busy month! And that’s without even thinking about yarn clubs and Advent calendar preparation which I’m going to have to squeeze in somewhere.

Sorry this post was a bit of a ramble today. Next time I’m hoping to have some craft things sorted to share with you.
